

Yesterday was a hard day here. It seems that walking may not agree with ZuZu. She's been clingy and irritable the last couple days, I think her newfound independence is intimidating to her. Anyway, yesterday was the worst day we've had in a while. ZuZu has always been a pretty high-needs (aka, I need mom all the time, sleep none of the time) baby, but never to the extent she was yesterday. She wanted to be held non-stop, refused to nap, and was just one sad cranky little person.

So I bailed.

J got home from work and I gladly handed her off for a much needed solo run to Costco. After an hour away I walked in the door feeling a bit refreshed but less than excited to see ZuZu. I reluctantly went about getting her ready for bed. We grabbed the nighttime diaper and pj's, her book and pacifier and headed for our room. I crankily got her dressed for bed, read to her, and sidled up next to her so she could have her evening nursing session.

And then she made all the work of the last 11 months totally worth it.

With a big grin she stopped nursing. She looked me right in the eye and signed "happy".

I'm happy too, sweet girl.