Sweet ZuZu is now ten (yes 10!) months old. Sad. And happy. Here's a little update on what my pumpkin has been up to.
Weighs: 21 lbs.
Measures: 28 inches
Says: Banana, DaDa, MaMa, and many many other things as yet indistinguishable to my ears.
Signs: More, please, dog (this sign doubles as her sign for excitement), tree, water, all done. I think there are a few I am forgetting, it seems she is signing all over the place these days!
Does: Smells things, claps, points incessantly, brushes her hair, pulls daddy's beard, pulls Cowboy's toes, makes silly faces, pushes purees away, laughs a lot, back-arches a lot (this girl knows what she wants!), crawls, pulls up, stands alone, and - drumroll please - takes steps!!
My baby girl took her first step on Saturday and has pushed the number to three consecutive steps now. So proud of you big girl!!
Here's a video of her "silly face" (it was a weekend morning, hence the ragamuffin appearance). I'll try to post a video of her taking steps later.